The Forest Preserves of Cook County recently did a write-up on Habitat 2030, an environmental stewardship volunteer group I’ve recently become involved with:
Our events include fun stuff like habitat restoration (removing invasive species, collecting native seeds), bioblitzes, camping, gullywalking, and good ol’ hiking within the awe-inspiring Chicago Wilderness.

Removing old sign posts at UIC’s James Woodworth Prairie

Exploring Illinois Beach State Park’s unique ecosystems

Catalogging an oak leaf gall at the Bunker Hill Bioblitz

Blue-stemmed goldenrod (Solidago caesia) at a remnant prairie
Interested in getting outdoors, meeting like-minded young folks, and lending a hand to mother nature? Join our Facebook group or find us at any of the myriad links below.
More Info:
Our active Facebook group
Habitat 2030 Website
Join our email list by emailing
Find us on
Volunteer Spotlight: Habitat 2030
Chicago Wilderness 2030: Visions for the Future by Stephen Packard